Monday, April 6, 2009

29 - AIIMS November 2004 anatomy mcqs with answers

1q: a posteriorly perforating ulcer in the pyloric antrum of the stomach is likely to produce initial localized peritonitis or abscess formation in the ?

a. greater sac
b. left subhepatic and hepatorenal spaces ( pouch of Morrison )
c. omental bursa
d. right subphrenic space

2q: knowledge of the segmental cutaneous innervation of the skin of the lower extremity is important in determining the level of the intervertebral disk disease . thus S1 nerve root irritation will result in pain located along the ?

a. anterior aspect of the thigh
b. medial aspect of the thigh
c. anteromedial aspect of the leg
d. lateral side of foot

3q: which one of the following extraocular muscles is served by a contralateral brain stem nucleus ?

a. superior rectus
b. medial rectus
c. inferior oblique
d. inferior rectus

4q: all of the following are characteristic of a bronchopulmonary segment except ?

a. it is surgically resectable
b. it is named according to the segmental bronchus supplying it
c. it is drained by intersegmental branch of pulmonary vein
d. it is the largest subdivision of a lobe

5q: injury to the common peroneal nerve at the lateral aspect of head of fibula results in all of the following except ?

a. weakness of ankle dorsi-flexion
b. foot drop
c. loss of ankle reflex
d. sensory impairment on lateral aspect of leg extending to the dorsum of foot

6q: the mesentery of small intestine, along its attachment to the posterior abdominal wall, crosses all of the following structures except ?

a. left gonadal vessels
b. third part of duodenum
c. aorta
d. right ureter

7q: venous drainage from neurohypophysis is routed through all of the following except ?

a. portal vessels to adenohypophysis
b. superior hypophyseal veins to ventricular tanycytes
c. inferior hypophyseal veins to dural venous sinuses
d. capillaries to median eminence and hypothalamus

8q: all of the following muscles undergo paralysis after injury to C5 and C6 spinal nerves except ?

a. biceps
b. coracobrachialis
c. brachialis
d. brachioradialis

9q: a 59 year old man complains of recurrent attacks of pain in the region of left shoulder radiating to sternum and the pit of stomach . the attacks of pain came at lengthy intervals until the last two days when it became continuous . the physician diagnosed it as angina pectoris . in this case the pain pathway from the heart is carried by ?

a. superior cervical cardiac nerve
b. middle and inferior cervical cardiac nerve
c. thoracic splanchnic nerve
d. vagus

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