Monday, March 30, 2009

27 - flexor retinaculum mcqs

1q: a 16 years old girl failed in her final examination. Disgusted with life, she cut across the front of the wrist at the flexor retinaculum, she was rushed to hospital . the surgeon noticed that cut was superficial . all the following structures would have been damaged except ?

a. ulnar nerve
b. median nerve
c. palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
d. superficial branch of radial artery

explanation : median nerve would escape injury in a superficial cut as it lies deep to the flexor retinaculum . here is a list of structures which pass superficial and deep to flexor retinaculum .

structures lying superficial to flexor retinaculum of hand are :

1. ulnar nerve
2. ulnar vessels
3. palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve
4. palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
5. Palmaris longus tendon

Structures lying deep to flexor retinaculum of hand are :

1. median nerve
2. ulnar bursa
3. radial bursa
4. tendons like flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor pollicis longus and flexor carpi radialis .

This question was asked in the november 2002 AIIMS paper . 

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