Tuesday, February 12, 2008

8 - epithelia and their locations in the body

1 - what are the cells that line the alveoli of lungs - simple squamous epithelium

2 - what are the other areas which have the simple squamous epithelium ?

answer : apart from the alveoli of the lungs , it forms the outer capsular wall of renal corpuscles , the thin segments of the renal tubules and various parts of the inner ear .

3- gall bladder epithelium is lined by which epithelium ?

answer : simple columnar epithelium with brush borders .

4- small intestine is lined by which epithelium ?

answer : columnar cells with a striated border of very regular microvilli .

5- respiratory system is mostly lined by which epithelium ?

answer : pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium ( upto terminal bronchioles ) .

6- what are the parts of the respiratory system not having the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium ?

answer: alveoli ( simple squamous )

lower pharynx and vocal folds ( oropharynx and laryngopharynx are made up by
the stratified non-keratinised squamous epithelium .)

7 - what are the areas supplied by the stratified keratinised squamous epithelium ?

answer : this type of epithelium is seen in areas which undergo lot of stress and strain and abrasions in addition to exposure to drying . if exposure to drying is absent and there is stress and strain at that region , then a non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium is seen .
the examples are :

answer----- entire epidermis and mucocutaneous junctions of lips ,
nostrils , distal anal canal ,
outer surface of the tympanic membrane and parts of the oral lining ( gingivae , hard palate and filiform papillae on the anterior surface of the dorsal surface of the tongue .)

8 - what is parakeratinised and orthokeratinised epithelium ?

answer : in some areas of the buccal mucosa , the superficial layers of the otherwise non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelia are partially keratinised giving it the name parakeratinised epithelia . when the keratinisation is full , then it is called orthokeratinised epithelium . ( note : there are areas of the buccal mucosa other than what are mentioned in the question 7 that have non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium )

9 - what are the regions which have the non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium ?

answer : other regions of the buccal mucosa other than the regions mentioned in question 7 , part of the anal canal other than the distal part , OROPHARYNX , LARYNGOPHARYNX , OESOPHAGUS , vagina , distal uterine cervix , distal urethra , conjunctiva , cornea and inner surface of the eyelids , the vestibule of the nasal cavities . ( note : the areas which undergo stress and strain and abrasions but are not exposed to drying up or have their own moist system are normally supplied by the non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium .)

10- and finally where do u see the stratified cuboidal or columnar epithelium ?

answer : in the walls of the larger ducts of some exocrine glands like the pancreas , salivary glands , and the ducts of the sweat glands .

11- stratfied columnar epithelium lines parts of the female urethra ? true or false ?

answer : false . it lines parts of male urethra .

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