The stomach is supplied by many arteries like :
1- short gastric arteries - branches of the splenic artery - supply the fundus of stomach
2-left gastro epiploic artery - branch of the splenic artery - supply the greater curvature of the stomach .
3- left gastric artery which is a direct branch of the coeliac trunk that arises from the aorta . supplies the lesser curvarture.
4- right gastric artery which is a branch of the common hepatic artery - supplies the lesser curvature.
5- right gastro epiploic artery which is a branch of the gastro duodenal artery which is again a branch of the common hepatic artery- supplies the greater curvature
The branches of the COELIAC TRUNK are :
1-common hepatic artery
2-left gastric artery
3-splenic artery
The branches of splenic artery are:
1-short gastric branches
2-left gastro epiploic artery
The branches of the common hepatic artery are :
1-hepatic artery proper
2-right gastric artery
3-gastroduodenal artery
The branches of the gastroduodenal artery are :
1-right gastro epiploic artery
2-superior pancreatico duodenal artery