Thursday, June 19, 2008

16 - Intrinsic Muscles of Larynx

1q : What are the abductors of the vocal cords ?

answer : posterior cricoarytenoids.

2q: What are the adductors of the vocal cords ?

answer : Lateral cricoarytenoids,transverse arytenoid(Inter-arytenoid),cricothyroids,thyroarytenoids (external part)

3q: What are the tensors of the vocal cords ?

answer : cricothyroids and Vocalis (Thyro-arytenoid's internal part).

4q: what are the relaxers of the vocal cords ?

answer : ??????

5q: what are the muscles of the larynx that close the laryngeal inlet ?

answer : oblique arytenoids and aryepiglotticus.

6q: what are the muscles of the larynx that open the laryngeal inlet ?

answer : thyroepiglotticus.

7q: which is the laryngeal muscle that helps in adduction of the vocal cords and tensors of the vocal cords ?

answer : cricothyroid .

8q: what is the laryngeal muscle that helps in the adduction of the vocal cords and relaxes them as well ?

answer : thyroarytenoids .

9q: what is the only unpaired laryngeal muscle ?

answer: transverse arytenoid .

10q: what is the nerve supply of cricothyroid ?

answer : external laryngeal nerve.

11q: what is the nerve supply of all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except cricothyroid ?

answer : recurrent laryngeal nerve .

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