Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7 - anatomy mcqs - 35 to 45


Question 35 : Regarding gluteus medius

A.is supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve- FALSE
B.acting from the pelvis adduct the thigh-FALSE
C.arises from the outer surface of the pelvis--TRUE
D.in unilateral paralysis trendelenberg sign becomes positive--TRUE
E.with gluteus minimus maintain the poise and balance of the body when the foot of the opposite side is raised from the ground--TRUE

Question 36: Regarding the hypoglossal nerve

A.arises from the floor the 3rd ventricle-FALSE
B.is the motor nerve of the tongue--TRUE
C.supplies all the muscles of the tongue-FALSE
D.supplies the thyrohyoid muscle--TRUE
E.in unilateral paralysis protruded tongue deviates to the normal side-FALSE

Question 37: Regarding the root of the lung

A.lie opposite the bodies of the 5, 6 , 7 thoracic vertebrae--Right
B.includes bronchial arteries--Right
C.that of right lung lies behind the inferior vena cava-FALSE
D.that of left lung lies behind the arch of aorta--Right
E.vagus nerve runs anterior to it-FALSE

Question 38 : Regarding the spleen

A.its long axis lies in the line of the 8th rib-FALSE
B.anteriorly reaches as far as the mid-axillary line * * Right
C.its hilum is related to the tail of the pancreas-FALSE
D.one or two notches are present in the posterior border * * Right
E.costodiapharmatic recess extends as far as the inferior border * * Right

Question 39 : Regarding the kidney

A. hilum of the right kidney lies just above the transpyloric plane.-FALSE
B. right kidney rests on the twelfth rib-TRUE
C. related posteriorly to subcostal vessels and the last thoracic, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves-TRUE
D. left colic vessels are related the left kidney-TRUE
E. at the hilum renal vein is anterior to the renal artery-TRUE

Question 40 : Regarding the caecum

A. lies on the iliacus and psoas major muscles * * Right
B. lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is anterior to it-FALSE
C. entirely enveloped by the peritoneum * * right
D. situated in the right iliac fossa above the medial half of the inguinal ligament E. may herniate down the right inguinal canal * * Right

Question 41 : Regarding the appendix

A. arises from the posterolateral aspect of the caecum-FALSE
B. commonly lies below the caecum-FALSE
C. mesentery of the appendix contains appendicular branch of the ileocolic artery--Right
D. lumen of the appendix is frequently completely obliterated in the elderly--Right
E. the lumen of the appendix is relatively narrow in infants-FALSE

Question 42 : Regarding the clavicle

A. it has a medullary cavity-FALSE
B. it is a long bone-TRUE
C. it is the most commonly fractured bone in the body-TRUE
D. it develops in membrane and not in cartilage-TRUE
E. it is the 1st bone to ossify in the foetus-TRUE

Question 43 : Regarding the shoulder joint

A. Capsule extend down onto the diaphysis on the medial aspect of the neck humerus-TRUE
B. Stability of the joint is related to the short muscles of the rotator cuff-TRUE
C. Least commonly dislocated joint-TRUE
D. the humeral head is likely to dislocate inferiorily-TRUE
E. Circumflex nerve may be damaged in dislocation of the shoulder joint-FALSE

Question 44 : Regarding the inguinal canal all are tue except

A. Anteriorily over its lateral one third is related to the internal oblique muscle-TRUE
B. Floor is formed by the inguinal ligament-TRUE
C. The conjoint tendon forms the posterior wall of the canal medially-FALSE
D. An indirect inguinal hernia passes through the internal ring-TRUE
E. A direct inguinal hernia lies lateral to the inferior epigastric artery-FALSE

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