Monday, January 14, 2008

5 - anatomy mcqs - 23 to 34

23) All are seen in the medial wall of middle ear except
a. Promontory
. Oval window
c. Facial canal
d. Chorda tymphani
Answer : D) Chorda tympani
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1373

24) Blood supply of the submandibular gland is by
a. Facial Artery and Lingual Artery
b. Superior Thyroid Artery and Ascending Pharyngeal Artery
c. Lingaul Artery and Internal Maxillary Artery abd
d. Facial Artery and Superficial temporal Artery
Answer : A) Facial Artery and Lingual Artery
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1693

25) Frontal Sinus are generally well developed at appears on
a. Birth
b. 1 year
c. 5 years
d. 8 years
Answer : d) 8 years
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1636

26) Posterior most structure of ankle is
a. Flexor retinaculam
b. Posterior Tibial Artery
c. Tibialis posterior
d. Talus
Answer : d) Flexor Retinaculum
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 720

27) Muscle supplied by Nerve of III pharyngeal arch is
a. Cricothyroid
b. Stapedius
c. Stylohoid
d. Sylopharyngeus
Answer : d)Stylopharyngeus
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 281

28) All of the following develop from Neural crest except
a. Melanoblast
b. Odentoblast
c. Adrenal medulla
d. Spinal Cord
Answer : d) Spinal Cord
Reference: Dutta Embryology Page 255

29) Cone of Light Is seen in which part of Tympanic membrane
a. Antero superior
b. Antero inferior
c. Postero Superior
d. Postero Inferior
Answer : b) Antero inferior
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1370

30) Posterior relation of lower part of manubrium sterni is
a. Subclavian vein
b. Brachocephalic artery
c. Left Brochocephalic vein
d. Arch of Aorta
Answer : d) Arch of Aorta
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 538

31) Lines of Gennari are seen in
a. Auditory cortex
b. Sensory cortex
c. Motor cortex
d. Visual Cortex
Answer : d) Visual Cortex
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1142

32) Correct statement about a Superior mesenteric vessel is
a. arises from aorta at the level at L3
b. runs in front of the transverse part of diaphragm
c. the vein drains into IVC and
d. Supplies foregut
Answer : runs in front of the transverse part of diaphragm
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1553

33) The hernia occurring in Bochadelak's foramen is
a. Diaphragmatic hernia
b. Hiatus Hernia
c. Femoral hernia
d. Lumbar hernia
Answer : a) Diphragmatic Hernia
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 817

34) False about Golgi cells of cerebellum is
a. Inhibitory,
b. GABAergic interneurons,
c. Their somata are located in the granular layer.
d. Golgi cell dendritic trees are flattened,
Answer : D) Golgi cell dendritic trees are not flattened,
Reference: Gray 38th Edition Page 1042

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